Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Unit 5 exercise

The connection between spiritual wellness and physical wellness is manifested in my life by my running.  I believe that when I run, I am truly myself.  I am like a dog running in a field, no particular destination, just simply enjoying the run.  I do not experience everytime I run.  But when I do, I think that there is no where else I would rather be at that moment.  I think there is nothing else I would rather be doing at that moment.  Sometimes, I am truly my happiest during a run.  I am me. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that analogy of you as a dog running in the field just because and happy to be out in running! I like to watch my dog when I take her out in the early morning, just letting her run! It feels good to watch her enjoy life, along with me enjoying the run with her, and just being free!

    Good blog!

