Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Meeting Aesclepius

I listed to the above mentioned MP3 player again.  I cannot connect with this one.  I must say that when I listed to it again, I was tired.  In the beginning I am able to focus on a wise person that was once in my life.  However, after that, my mind begins to wonder and think of other events, and think about this wise man. Even though he seems wise to me, he was only human, and had many "monkey chatter" thoughts as well.  I enjoyed reading Dacher's book, however, the mindfulness meditations have not helped me so far.  I think much of that is simply due to the fact that I am not ready to go into contemplative meditation.  Maybe someday I will.  I really hope so, because I truly believe in it.  During my days at work, I am always listening to New Dimensions Radio.  I constantly am listening to positive affirmations radio, or listen to tapes when I go to bed.  However, I am just not ready for meditation.  I suppose it is like beginning a new exercise, or making a lifestyle change, I know it will be beneficial for me, but I am in the precontemplative stage of change. 

As to the second question. Absolutely.  As a health and wellness professional, I truly believe you have to develop your health psychologically, spiritually, and physically.  I don't think I would be able to provide smoking cessation health coaching to my members if I was a smoker.  It is just common sense.  We are all a work in progress. 


  1. Hi Karen,
    I would say that you are doing a bit of guided meditation when you are listening to the positive affirmations radio and the tapes before bed. Even though it might not seem that you are meditation, I believe that the positive affirmations are being ingrained into your thought process even if you don't purposefully engage in it. Positive affirmations usually stick to the mind and you probably have repeated a few of them to others without even knowing it. If you look at it from that perspective, you could easily say that you are doing meditation, just not the kind we have been doing in class.

  2. I am commenting to my own blog, because I cannot remember how to document on this site. I found the subtle mind and loving kindness the most beneficial practices to incorporate into my personal life. I will do the loving kindness in the morning when I wake up and the subtle mind either at bedtime, or when I am running. I find this blogging thing very stressful. 8 units and I am still uncomfortable on this site. Some things are meant for contemplative practice but some are not. I suppose
