My goals for my physical health would be to bring my overall cholesterol down below 200mg/dl. I will get my complete blood work up in September. I think I could probably bring it below 200. It was 221 the last time. A step I could take to reach this goal would be to eliminate cookies in the morning when I drink my coffee. I do like dunking any type of cookie in my coffee in the morning. I only have maybe 3 or 4 cookies. I believe, however, processed foods are contributing to my high cholesterol. I will make it a goal. Spiritually, I suppose I would like to like to go to church more often. I always feel much better when I attend church. I can make a goal, by choosing to attend church at least two times next month. Good idea. Psychologically, I want to remain emotionally/mentally/intellectually stable. When I went through my divorce, I remember falling pretty hard down that rabbit hole. Currently, I feel I am climbing and about 1/3 of the way back up the hole. I never want to be that sad again. Unfortunately, I realize I probably will. However, maybe next time, I will be more prepared to understand and have the insight to help myself to get out quicker.
I listened to the relaxation exercise. Honestly, I think I fell asleep. So, is that good or bad? I put it on as I settled in for my night's sleep. I attempted to visualize, but it was difficult to visualize the "colors" and places in the body. When he mentioned the spine, I remember thinking of seeing an open spine, as in babies born with spina bifada. It did not relax me, I started to get a little upset. My mind calmed down, but I am certain not the way it should have. I had a hard time, doing everything he said as well. I just did not pay very good attention. I suppose I need practice at this. thanks for not judging.
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