Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mental workout

I would guess that a mental workout would be similar to a physical workout. However, instead of exercises the muscle of the body, we are exercising the muscles and neuropathways of the mind.  It is just as important if not more so to perform a mental workout as it is to do physical exercise everyday. Some ways of doing a mental workout include prayer, meditation, guided imagery.  This focus on the inner life can help us to be better people. 

unit 4 loving kindness


I listened to the loving kindness audio.  I found it to be relaxing.  However, I had a difficult time remaining focused. My mind tends to wonder. I think I have a little ADD.     I must practice this exercise more often in order to gain some experience in it.  I don't like to think about people who are suffering either.  Sometimes, that tends to get me more anxious than before I started the exercise.  I found this exercise beneficial and would recommend it particularly to those Type A personalities out there.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My goals/ and steps to reach them for Mind/Body/Spirit

My goals for my physical health would be to bring my overall cholesterol down below 200mg/dl.  I will get my complete blood work up in September.  I think I could probably bring it below 200.  It was 221 the last time.  A step I could take to reach this goal would be to eliminate cookies in the morning when I drink my coffee. I do like dunking any type of cookie in my coffee in the morning. I only have maybe 3 or 4 cookies. I believe, however, processed foods are contributing to my high cholesterol.  I will make it a goal.  Spiritually, I suppose I would like to like to go to church more often.  I always feel much better when I attend church.  I can make a goal, by choosing to attend church at least two times next month.  Good idea.  Psychologically, I want to remain emotionally/mentally/intellectually stable.  When I went through my divorce, I remember falling pretty hard down that rabbit hole.  Currently, I feel I am climbing and about 1/3 of the way back up the hole.  I never want to be that sad again.  Unfortunately, I realize I probably will.  However, maybe next time, I will be more prepared to understand and have the insight to help myself to get out quicker. 

I listened to the relaxation exercise.  Honestly, I think I fell asleep. So, is that good or bad? I put it on as I settled in for my night's sleep. I attempted to visualize, but it was difficult to visualize the "colors" and places in the body.  When he mentioned the spine, I remember thinking of seeing an open spine, as in babies born with spina bifada.  It did not relax me, I started to get a little upset. My mind calmed down, but I am certain not the way it should have.  I had a hard time, doing everything he said as well.  I just did not pay very good attention. I suppose I need practice at this. thanks for not judging.

Unit 3 Blog Reflections

Based on my reflections, how would I rate my physical well being?  Well, I would rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the optimal physical health as a 6/10.  I run 4 to 5 miles about 5 days/week.  I walk my dog frequently through out the day.  I have been active all of my life. I enjoy being physically active. It is something I don't ever wish to stop.  However, even though I am of normal weight, and fairly physically fit, my cholesterol is elevated and has been for most of my adult life as well.  My total cholesterol is over 200.  My HDL, which is the "good" cholesterol has always been great. Unfortunately, my LDL, which are the "bad" cholesterol have always been above normal.  I exercise, but my diet is not the best. I realize that as I age, I need to incorporate healthy eating habits more into my diet.  Unfortunately, there is a huge genetic component of heart disease and high cholesterol in my family.  Therefore, I cannot honestly give myself a 10 out of 10 on this scale.  How would I rate my spiritual well being? Probably another 6 out of 10.  I consider myself to be very spiritual.  I think of a Supreme Being all of the time. I pray a great deal through out my day, and attempt to live by what I believe in.  However, I fall short everyday as well.  I don't attend church every Sunday.  I don't make my children go to church.  I think if I were higher on the scale, I would be more involved in my church.  I simply am lazy, and that is my only excuse not to attend a church.  I consider my psychological well being to be another 6/10.  While I believe that I am very in tune to see how thoughts affect our lives, I struggle every day to think positive thoughts about myself and life.  Unfortunately, I did not grow up with the luxury of parents who built positive self images in their children.  I remember being taught to only speak when spoken to, I was not allowed to do many extra curricular activities my friends did, and never really had an opportunity to realize my strengths until I became an adult.  I would not consider that I was abused.  However, I do struggle every day to remove the "gremlins" from my mind before I begin my day.  I can be shy, and I do not like confrontations.  I am attempting to be more assertive in life, but find that I do doubt myself everyday.